Saturday, December 29, 2012

Mobile Security Issues in 2013 ? Contegix | Cloud Hosting, Managed ...

Mobile Security has become increasingly important as more businesses are utilizing tablets and smart phones to access their data. Lessons learned in 2012 will impact security in 2013 as consumers and businesses alike become more aware of possible problems.

Data Privacy

In 2012, there were several data breaches that made the news and helped raise awareness of the problem of data mining. There were changes to networks such as Facebook, Google and Instagram to help address these issues, but private companies remain a prime target for security breaches. It is important to ensure that all databases are adequately protected from malware or viruses. Unfortunately, many people use the same passwords for work and home, so if a security breach happens it can have a significant effect for consumers. Private companies need to verify their existing security addresses and the different ways their databases can be accessed. Consumer education in creating different passwords is also an essential element to reduce mobile security threats. This is an ever changing industry and new threats can be developed without notice.

More Mobile Devices

There are currently at least 4 dominant mobile devices widely available for consumers. Apple, Blackberry, Android and Microsoft all have smart phones and/or tablets available to consumers. Each of these has a different operating system with different security measures in place. The availability of multiple operating systems is likely to get worse in 2013 as new companies enter the tablet and smart phone industry. Because these devices are always connected, they have their own security issues. Whether the user is loading apps, accessing the internet or making a phone call, there is a danger of security breaches. ?Businesses should investigate the security of each system before making a choice that could significantly affect their own data.

Desktop Integration

Many tablet and smartphone users still own a laptop and will share information between devices. This means that security problems on computers can be shared with mobile devices. Businesses need to be aware of this possibility and verify that their security measures address any sharing of information between devices to avoid malware and viruses spreading.

Security problems may start in a variety of places on the internet, but eventually they all connect together. Malware and virus creators are learning how to access through new devices such as smart TV?s, game consoles and DVD players. Anything that connects to the internet is vulnerable to attack if proper security is not used. While these devices may not impact businesses directly, IT professionals need to be aware of the possibilites to ensure information is properly protected.

It is impossible to protect against everything, but as long as companies and individuals stay vigilant with regard to security policies on mobile devices, the negative effects can be greatly minimized.



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Telling History vs. Making Art: Fictions and Histories | Scholars and ...

Final part of a?series

?[H]istory and historical fiction,? says historian Paul Ashdown, ?are alternate ways of telling stories about the past.??In that context, Ulysses S. Grant spoke more truth than he realized when he said ?Wars produce many stories of fiction.?

Aside from yarn-spun anecdotes about apple-tree surrenders and lemon-sucking generals, war also produces ?stories of fiction? in a literal way as a source of inspiration: ?An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,??The Red Badge of Courage, Gone with the Wind, Shiloh, The Killer Angels. Both kinds of stories present themselves as true, and both may even be based on facts. ?Fact and fiction comingle, reminding us that history, like news, is only a part of the story.??Art, too, offers another part of the story.

Ashdown points specifically at Charles Frazier?s novel?Cold Mountain, which is based very loosely on the real story of William Pinkney Inman, an ancestor of Frazier?s. Facts on Inman were scarce. All Frazier knew for certain about him ?could be written on the back of a postcard.????Facts? could not begin to tell the real story,? Frazier wrote in the book, ?and you could tell such things on and on and yet no more get to the full truth of the war than you could get to the full truth of an old sow bear?s life by following her sign through the woods.?

Starting with those few scant facts, though, and then tapping into other resources, Frazier began inventing a story. ?By making use of folklore, yarn, legend, myth, and what we can know of history, Frazier shows that although we can never know all that happened, or why it happened, we can at least obliquely participate in a continuing story,? Ashdown says.

Frazier?s story grew beyond the facts, which he was willing to sacrifice in service to the larger truth. For instance, he chose to drop Inman?s first and middle names. ?The use of the last name throughout the book suggests?a mythic universalism,? says Ashdown. ?The point is not so much to detach Inman from the past as it is to detach him from William P. Inman and historicity.?

Coal Black Horse, about a 14-year-old boy?s journey to manhood as he travels from western Virginia to get his father from the battlefield at Gettysburg, does something similar. Because author Robert Olmstead avoids almost all mention of specific places, his protagonist, Robey, travels across a mythic landscape, which suits the novel well because of the slightly surreal quality of the characters. Facts would ground the world too much. Olmstead doesn?t even mention Gettysburg by name until page 145?two-thirds of the way through the book?s 218 pages?well after Robey has arrived on site and well after the battle.

Conversely, a writer can deluge a reader with facts, as Paulette Jiles does in?Enemy Women, a novel about the Civil War?s guerilla conflict in Missouri. Jiles quotes extensively from?Inside War: The Guerilla Conflict in Missouri, 1861-1865?by Michael J. Fellman, which she includes as epigrams before each chapter as a way to provide background information and context. While those facts allow her to avoid exposition of her own, they still disrupt the flow of her narrative and interfere with her authorial voice. Facts, at least as Jiles uses them, can become too much.

As a historical story gets further from the facts, the harder it is to take the work seriously as history, but the easier it is to accept purely in terms of entertainment value. Nowhere is this more evident in the burgeoning science fiction subgenre of ?alternative history.? Harry Turtledove?s?Guns of the South, for instance, which pays meticulous attention to accuracy with its discussion of firearms and aspects of daily life, is clearly ?alternative history? because of time travelers who bring A-K 47s to Robert E. Lee?s army from Apartheid-era South Africa. I know historians who think the premise is ludicrous, but they never accuse the book of trying to dress itself up as history, either.

Other alternative histories of the war typically hinge on ?what ifs? less outlandish: in Turtledove?s?How Few Remain, the Federal army never finds the ?Lost Order? that outlines Lee?s plans for invasion into Pennsylvania; in Newt Gingrich and William Forestchen?s?Gettysburg, Lee takes Longstreet?s advice and swings southward to better ground after the first day of fighting in Gettysburg; Peter Tsouras?s?Gettysburg?gives the battle a full reimagining while Douglas Gibboney?s?Stonewall Jackson at Gettysburg?puts the legendary General in the thick of it; Kevin Wilmott?s biting satiric film?C.S.A.explores modern America if the entire country, not just the South, had legalized slavery. An author with no less prestige than MacKinlay Kantor, who won the Pulitzer Prize for his Civil War prison novel?Andersonville, imagined?If the South Had Won the Civil War, basing his plot twist on a horseback riding accident that kills Union General Ulysses S. Grant.

Gingrich calls alternative history ?a way of breathing life back into the adventure, to reopen the book on page one,? but he?insists that in order for them to be of any value beyond mere escapism,??internal logic, consistency, and a rigid adherence to reality must still be maintained. Otherwise, we fall off the track and it becomes an exercise in fantasy.? For instance, he says an aggressive George McClellan would?ve probably won Antietam, but McClellan was??driven far more by his fear of failure than by the dream of success.? To write his character any other way ?is a denial of everything we know about him and becomes an exercise in fantasy.? Likewise, the ?magic bullet? scenario?Grant dying in a horseback riding accident, Jackson surviving Chancellorsville, Lincoln?s mother not dying of the milk sickness?is little more than an exercise in fantasy.

I mention these alternate histories only as a way of probing the outer boundaries of history and fiction, where art clearly stands as art and facts are clearly false. At the other end, I could likewise cite James McPherson?s Pulitzer-winning?Battle Cry of Freedom?or Drew Gilpin Faust?s?This Republic of Suffering?as examples that clearly stand in the realm of history and where facts are clearly true. One pole privileges story over fact, the other fact over story. Somewhere in between rest the examples I?ve discussed in this series. All of them, fiction and nonfiction alike, strive to strike a balance between fact and story in the service of a particular truth.

?People interested in the Civil War become obsessed with facts and don?t have much patience with fiction,? Ashdown says.?They criticize art for being ?unfactual? (just as artists criticize history for being ?boring?). Before they insist on sacrificing art on the altar of fact, though, they?d do well to keep in mind the lesson Grant knew well: facts themselves are hard things to hold on to and can be interpreted into all sorts of happy and unhappy truths. His favored view of the war?s meaning, the Union Cause, faded from collective memory. The Reconciliation Cause subsumed the Emancipation Clause even as it itself was co-opted by the Lost Cause. Truths compete with truths.

?Today, professional historians call truth ?Interpretation,?? historian Joan Waugh says?but what interpretations are true? What?kinds?of interpretations lead to the best kinds of truth? What truths are true?

What to do with facts and how to interpret those facts into truths are central issues for storytellers of all sorts, whether historians or novelists, documentarians or feature filmmakers. ?Historical sense and poetic sense should not, in the end, be contradictory,? Robert Penn Warren said, ?for if poetry is the little myth we make, history is the big myth we live, and in our living, constantly remake.?

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

What's Best for Kids' Eye Health? Experts Give Insight - Health News ...

eyeexam 40291 Whats Best for Kids Eye Health? Experts Give Insight

By Serena Gordon
HealthDay Reporter

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 26 (HealthDay News) ? For generations, countless adults have urged kids to eat carrots to protect their eyesight.

?Anything that?s good for your body is good for your eyes, especially vegetables,? explained Dr. James McDonnell, a professor of ophthalmology and director of pediatric ophthalmology at the Loyola University Health System and the Stritch School of Medicine in Chicago.

But how does the average adult, without medical training, know whether the words of wisdom being doled out ? whether about crunching carrots or anything else ? are good advice? And what else do parents need to know to keep their kids? vision keen?

Here?s a sampling of advice from eye experts:

How often should children have their eyes screened for vision problems?

Generally, kids don?t need any additional eye exams. Schools and pediatricians screen for eye problems and should flag any eye issues that warrant a visit to an eye specialist.

?The process is set up to screen all children for the most common eye problems,? said Dr. Erin Stahl, an ophthalmologist at Children?s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics in Kansas City, Mo. But, she did recommend that ?parents should make sure that these screenings are being done yearly.?

But, if children complain of eye pain or say that they?re having trouble seeing, take them to an eye specialist, she said. The same is true if you notice that your child?s eyes don?t seem to be aligning properly.

Children don?t always wear their glasses. Can this be harmful?

McDonnell said the answer to this question can depend on the reason the glasses were prescribed. But, in general, if an eye doctor has prescribed glasses for a child, there?s probably a good reason that he or she needs to wear them.

?Most of the time, I put kids in glasses because without them their eyes cross,? McDonnell said. ?The glasses help their brains develop properly at the critical age that lets eyes work together. In other kids, I might prescribe glasses because one eye is out of focus. These kids need to wear their glasses so that their brain isn?t only receiving blurry input from that eye.?

If you?re having trouble getting a child to wear his or her glasses regularly, Stahl added, ask the doctor whether off-and-on wear will cause any problems.

Pre-teens sometimes want to wear contacts. Is it too soon?

Both McDonnell and Stahl said that the age at which contacts are appropriate depends largely on a child?s maturity level.

For the most part, Stahl said, she won?t prescribe contacts to anyone younger than 10. McDonnell said he usually doesn?t consider contacts until a child 12 to 15 years old. Any child has to be mature enough to put contacts in, take them out and keep them clean, he noted. But even then, he added, parents still need to check to be sure their children are following the proper contact care techniques.

That includes making sure they?re not sleeping with their contacts in ? something McDonnell said that children should never do. Eye experts agree that sleeping in contacts increases the chance of infection.

Are decorative contacts OK?

Decorative or cosmetic contacts are lenses that kids (and adults) sometimes wear, perhaps as part of a costume, to dramatically change their eye color or make their eyes look like those of a cat or a zombie. In the United States, it?s illegal to sell decorative lenses over-the-counter, meaning that they require a prescription, even if the youngster who wants them doesn?t need lenses for vision correction.

McDonnell said that if kids are familiar with contact wear and care, and they know how to keep them clean, he doesn?t see a problem with wearing decorative contacts for a special occasion. But if it takes an adult to help a child put decorative contacts in or take them out, that should be a sign that this is a bad idea. Stahl added that she?s seen severe eye injuries from cosmetic contacts.

Will too much computer time hurt a child?s eyes?

?Too much screen time will not damage a child?s eyes,? said Stahl. That said, ?too much screen time is not good for the overall development of the child,? she added.

At worst, said McDonnell, spending a lot of time in front of a screen might cause eye strain. ?It?s like doing push-ups for three hours,? he said. ?Give your eyes a break and look up from that near point and gaze around the room from time to time.?

What should be done to protect a child?s eyes from injuries?

McDonnell said that it?s hard to anticipate everything that could hurt a child?s eyes because even something as seemingly innocuous as a child?s fingernail can cause a serious injury. Still, he said, it?s important to try to prevent eye injuries.

?If something penetrates the eye, these can be devastating injuries,? he said. ?We do our best to repair the eye, but it?s part of the brain, which makes it exquisitely sensitive, even though it?s reasonably tough.?

For starters, Stahl said, ?keep your child away from fireworks, lawn mowers and trimmers, and sharp objects like sticks and hangers.? She and McDonnell both recommended that kids wear eye protection during certain sports, especially those that involve smaller balls, such as racquetball or squash. McDonnell also advised that children not be allowed to play with BB or pellet guns because of the risk for eye and other injuries.

More information

The Nemours Foundation?s KidsHealth website has more about children?s eye health.

For one mother?s experience getting contact lenses for her preteen, read this.

HEALTHDAY Web XSmall Whats Best for Kids Eye Health? Experts Give Insight


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Hopping Rockets Reach New Heights

A good year for SpaceX is coming to a close with another impressive achievement. Today Elon Musk's private space firm announced new progress with Grasshopper, its attempt to build a reusable rocket. Earlier this week the Grasshopper rocket blasted off, hovered in the air at an altitude of about 12 stories, and returned to the launch pad after a 29-second flight.

Why do we care? If empty rocket boosters can fly back home and land, it will make rocket launches much cheaper. That in turn could open up space for more uses, for scientists and tourists alike. As PopMech has reported, reusability is one of Musk's main areas of focus for bring down the cost of each launch.

Other companies are likely working on similar systems; the secretive Blue Origin has patented a rocket that could land on a ship deck. So we'll have to see who, if anyone, gets there first.


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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Buying A Luxury Center Console Boat ? Recreation & Sports ...

When considering which boat to potentially buy, shoppers must consider several important factors. Whether to go with used or new, prices, maintenance, size, capabilities, and reputation are all equally important. Taking the time to look at several boats and compare these items will better your odds of selecting the most suitable boat for your trips out on the water.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

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Obesity declining in young, poorer kids: study

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - The number of low-income preschoolers who qualify as obese or "extremely obese" has dropped over the last decade, new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show.

Although the decline was only "modest" and may not apply to all children, researchers said it was still encouraging.

"It's extremely important to make sure we're monitoring obesity in this low-income group," said the CDC's Heidi Blanck, who worked on the study.

Those kids are known to be at higher risk of obesity than their well-off peers, in part because access to healthy food is often limited in poorer neighborhoods.

The new results can't prove what's behind the progress, Blanck told Reuters Health - but two possible contributors are higher rates of breastfeeding and rising awareness of the importance of physical activity even for very young kids.

Blanck and her colleagues used data on routine clinic visits for about half of all U.S. kids eligible for federal nutrition programs - including 27.5 million children between age two and four.

They found 13 percent of those preschoolers were obese in 1998. That grew to just above 15 percent in 2003, but dropped slightly below 15 percent in 2010, the most recent study year included.

Similarly, the prevalence of extreme obesity increased from nearly 1.8 percent in 1998 to 2.2 percent in 2003, then dropped back to just below 2.1 percent in 2010, the research team reported Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Whether kids are obese is determined by their body mass index (BMI) - a measure of weight in relation to height - and by their age and sex.

For example, a four-year-old girl who is 40 inches tall would be obese if she was 42 pounds or heavier. A two-year-old boy who is 35 inches tall qualifies as obese at 34 pounds or above, according to the CDC's child BMI calculator. (The CDC's BMI calculator for children and teens is available here:.)

The new findings are the first national data to show obesity and extreme obesity may be declining in young children, Blanck said.

"This is very encouraging considering the recent effort made in the field including by several U.S. federal agencies to combat the childhood obesity epidemic," said Dr. Youfa Wang, head of the Johns Hopkins Global Center on Childhood Obesity in Baltimore.

Blanck said between 2003 and 2010 researchers also saw an increase in breastfeeding of low-income infants. Breastfeeding has been tied to a healthier weight in early childhood.

Additionally, states and communities have started working with child care centers to make sure kids have time to run around and that healthy foods are on the lunch menu, she added.

Parents can encourage better eating by having fruits and vegetables available at snack time and allowing their young kids to help with meal preparation, Blanck said.

Her other recommendations include making sure preschoolers get at least one hour of activity every day and keeping television sets out of the bedroom.

"The prevalence of overweight and obesity in many countries including in the U.S. is still very high," Wang, who wasn't involved in the new study, told Reuters Health in an email.

"The recent level off should not be taken as a reason to reduce the effort to fight the obesity epidemic."

SOURCE: Journal of the American Medical Association, online December, 25, 2012.


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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Cultivating Optimism

Cover Image: January 2013 Scientific American MagazineSee Inside

Managing editor Sandra Upson introduces the January/February 2013 issue of Scientific American Mind


  • How does a Venus flytrap know when to snap shut? Can it actually feel an insect?s tiny, spindly legs? And how do cherry blossoms know when to bloom? Can they...

    Read More??

This fall Hurricane Sandy famously knocked out power in lower Manhattan. A friend, I'll call her Natalie, was stranded in her cold, dark apartment for days. Most New Yorkers hunkered down with gritty reserve. Yet when I finally reached Natalie, she was bright and cheery. She spoke not about the lack of water or frigid nights but about the romance of living by candlelight and the kindness of neighbors.

This issue's lead article on subconscious mental habits reminded me of Natalie. Our brain's biases can predispose us to view the world through either a positive filter?as with Natalie?or a negative one, as psychologist Elaine Fox explains in ?The Essence of Optimism,? on page 22. An emerging therapy promises to help tune depressive or anxious minds to a happier channel.

Our brain's unreliable interpretations can sometimes lead to grave consequences, especially in the courtroom. Time can distort eyewitness testimony, for example, and a leading interrogation can extract a false confession. Psychologist Scott O. Lilienfeld and attorney Robert Byron explore the sources of error that can push the gavel toward an unsound ruling in ?Your Brain on Trial.? Turn to page 44.

The behavioral sciences can also learn lessons from criminals snared by the law. In ?Wisdom from Psychopaths?? on page 36, psychologist Kevin Dutton interviews some of the scariest men in prison to discern how, in moderation, the common characteristics of psychopaths?such as charm, focus and ruthlessness?can spell success in various professions in the outside world.

If garnering insights from convicts seems counterintuitive, wait until you read about the mental benefits of first-person shooter games. Of course, concerns remain about how exposure to simulated violence affects players. But, as you will learn in journalist Lydia Denworth's ?Brain-Changing Games,? on page 28, recent studies show that these games improve visual acuity, spatial reasoning and decision making. Perhaps the optimists are right after all: every cloud has a silver lining.

This article was originally published with the title Cultivating Optimism.


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Bombing kills 4, wounds 11 in Iraq

BAGHDAD (AP) ? An explosion at a shop selling CDs killed 4 people in a town northeast of the Iraqi capital Baghdad on Saturday.

Police officials say a bomb hidden in a plastic bag exploded near the shop Saturday afternoon in the town of Qazaniyah. Eleven people were wounded in the attack, and the shop was completely destroyed. Qazaniyah is 180 kilometers (110 miles) northeast of Baghdad.

A medic in a nearby hospital confirmed the death toll. All the officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to brief reporters.

Violence has ebbed in Iraq, but insurgent attacks are still frequent.

The attack comes in the midst of growing political uncertainty.

Iraq's president Jalal Talabani, who was working to ease tensions between Iraq's Shiite Arab-led government and the Kurdish minority, suffered a stroke earlier this week and was flown to Germany for treatment. And on Thursday, Iraqi security forces arrested at least 10 guards assigned to the finance ministry, angering the Sunni minister and his political allies.

In the northern Kurdish region, Sunni parliament speaker, Osama al-Nujaifi met with the leader of the self-ruled Kurdish region, Massoud Barzani in order to discuss their response to the growing crisis.

In a statement after their meeting, both sides expressed their discontent with the arrests, calling on the central government to take into consideration the "delicate period Iraq is going through."


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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Disbelief in some quarters at NRA's Newtown response

In the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, the National Rifle Association held a news conference in Washington and blamed the media and video games for cultivating a culture of violence.

By Tracy Connor and Michael Isikoff, NBC News

Gun-control advocates responded with outrage and disbelief Friday after the National Rifle Association called for armed guards in every school and blamed music, movies and video games for firearms violence.

While some people in Newtown, Conn., said they supported the idea of police with guns in their schools, critics said a volunteer force was impractical at best, dangerous at worst.

"The last thing we need are the George Zimmermans of the world patrolling our schools," said Kristen Rand, legislative director of the Violence Policy Center, referring to the neighborhood watch volunteer charged with killing unarmed teen Trayvon Martin in Florida.

The slaughter at Sandy Hook Elementary School last week has prompted some gun-rights advocates to soften their position, and there was speculation that the NRA might put forth some type of concession.

But NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre -- who will appear Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press" --?did not indicate the group would support new restrictions.

Defiant NRA leader rejects gun controls, asks to put police in schools

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,'' he said, roughly outlining plans for an NRA-sponsored program to train and certify volunteers to protect schools from "the next Adam Lanza."

Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele said he was at a loss for words after hearing the proposal.

"I don?t even know where to begin," he said on msnbc. "As a supporter of the Second Amendment and a supporter of the NRA ? even though I?m not a member of the NRA ? I just found it very haunting and very disturbing that our country now is talking about arming our teachers and our principals in classrooms."

Meet the Press moderator David Gregory says he will ask the NRA's Wayne LaPierre whether or not he's open to having a broader discussion about gun violence with President Obama.

Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg, D-N.J., said he was stunned by LaPierre's comments.

"It is beyond belief that following the Newtown tragedy, the National Rifle Association's leaders want to fill our communities with guns and arm more Americans," he said in a statement.

"The NRA points the finger of blame everywhere and anywhere it can, but they cannot escape the devastating effects of their reckless comments and irresponsible lobbying tactics. ?The NRA leadership is wildly out of touch with its own members, responsible gun owners, and the American public who want to close dangerous loopholes and enact common-sense gun safety reform."

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg called the press conference "a shameful evasion" of the gun crisis, devoid of soul-searching.

"They offered a paranoid, dystopian vision of a more dangerous and violent America where everyone is armed and no place is safe," he said.

In Newtown, where funerals for the Sandy Hook victims were still going on, opinion was divided.

"I think that's a great idea," Elaine Bartell said of LaPierre's armed-guard proposal. "I would feel much safer, and children would be protected."

Msnbc's Thomas Roberts talks to a political power panel that includes former RNC Chairman Michael Steele to get reactions to the NRA news conference on gun control.

Mary Fernandes, a mother, said an increase in guns is the last thing schools need.

"I think it's sad that it's come to this state. We need do something about the gun control and I don't think that [armed guards] is the answer," she said. "I don't believe people need guns in their homes."

Some gun control advocates target ammo clips

Dennis van Roekel, president of the National Education Association, told NBC News the idea ?that there be a policeman in every building? deserves to be part of a wide-ranging discussion about how to protect schoolchildren from bullets, but he scoffed at LaPierre?s call for volunteers packing heat.

?We have 90,000 [school] buildings in America, and you want to volunteers to come and have a gun at the school?? he said, noting that many schools already have armed safety officers. ?When somebody has an assault rifle and blows out a window with it, you can?t stop that.?

Gun-rights advocates said LaPierre struck the right tone in his hotly anticipated announcement ? the powerful lobbying group?s first comments since the Sandy Hook tragedy.

Robert Farago, publisher of a popular blog called, said he did "a good job putting forth a positive solution to the problem of spree killing in schools."

He was disappointed, however, that LaPierre did not explicitly say the NRA would fight any proposed assault-weapons ban. And he thought LaPierre's criticism of video games and movies was off-target.

"I think the effect of the culture isn't the determining effect in an attack like this," Farago said.

On Facebook: Do you agree with the NRA's stance?

Dave Workman, senior editor of The Gun Mag, a publication owned by the Second Amendment Foundation, said the NRA news conference ?just ramps up the attention to gun-free zones.?

?We?ve had shootings in shopping malls, movie theaters, schools, colleges ? all gun-free zones ? so maybe it?s time to take a look at that,? Workman said.

?The prevailing wisdom with a lot of the gun owners is -- it?s about time we started talking about something other than banning guns.?

A long-dormant national conversation about guns has reignited: some are calling for an assault weapons ban while other feel guns themselves aren't the root of the problem. So far the shootings have sparked several gun buy-back programs and even an anti-gun video organized by big-city mayors ? but the NRA says it's the entertainment industry that is partly to blame. NBC's John Yang reports.

For Dave Hoover, whose nephew A.J. Boik was killed in the Aurora, Colo., movie theater massacre, the time for talk is over.

?Nobody wants to come in and take your gun away from you, but I don't think it's too much for us to ask that if I'm an individual who has lost their mind and wants to go wreak havoc in a mall or at a church or at a theater -- for the love of God we should be able to stop that,? Hoover told NBC affiliate KUSA.

?We need to stop having these discussions about it, get down to work, roll up our sleeves and accomplish something.?

While LaPierre was still talking, Twitter lit up with reaction.

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence instantly asked? for donations to support its efforts to ban assault weapons and limit the number of guns that can be bought at one time.

"To all?#NRA?members who believe like we do, that we are better than this, we send this message ? Join us," tweeted the group, which was formed after Jim Brady was shot with President Ronald Reagan in 1981.

Businessman Mark Cuban, who owns a movie distribution company and a chain of cinemas, wrote this on his verified Twitter account: "I think the NRA press conference is what the Mayans had in mind when they said the world would come to an end today."

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Friday, December 21, 2012 Reminds Shoppers To Avoid Counterfeit Luxury Items During Online Shopping Season

A premiere retailer of 100% authentic designer handbags, accessories and other fashion, Rodeo Drive Resale ( offers a money back guarantee of authenticity on each item sold, and reminds holiday bargain hunters to steer clear of phony merchandise.

(PRWEB) December 20, 2012

Whether it is a Chanel quilted leather shoulder bag or a Louis Vuitton clutch; at the heart of every lover of high-end women?s fashion lies an affinity for authentic designer handbags. Today, Rodeo Drive Resale (, premier reseller of 100% authentic guaranteed Louis Vuitton handbags, Chanel Wallets, and similar luxury items shares the most beloved designer bags in the world.

1)????Coach ? One of the most recognizable names in designer handbags, Coach got its start in 1941 manufacturing small leather goods. Now a fashion powerhouse, the brand has become world famous for its line of Coach shoulder bags, luggage and other upscale items. According to Rodeo Drive Resale co-founder Raya Jaffer, Coach offers luxury design at a competitive price. ?Coach represents quality and a designer look at a price much lower than other designer bags of a similar value.?

2)????Louis Vuitton ? Every luxury bag lover has their preference, but most agree: When it comes to style and status, few brands can match the reputation of this French fashion label. Vintage Louis Vuitton bags, wallets and accessories have become the gold standard for sophistication, and as the label looks to maintain its position as the premier fashion brand among China?s growing luxury market, demand for LV, founded in 1854, remains as strong as ever. Because of their uncompromising selling strategy (LV has not had a sale in 154 years), midrange shoppers looking for a deal flock to sites such as, which offer buyers the opportunity to buy or sell 100% authentic designer handbags at a fraction of the cost.

3)????Chanel ? Founded in the early 20th century by fashion visionary Gabrielle ?Coco? Chanel, the Chanel clothing and accessories are adored for their elegance and versatility. The Chanel 2.55 shoulder bag was first released in 1955, after Coco decided she needed a bag to free up her hands. Updated in 2006, the bag remains wildly popular among Chanel lovers around the world.

4)????Gucci ?Exclusive, luxurious and instantly recognizable, Gucci, established in 1921, has become a status symbol for the rich and powerful. Worn by such iconic figures as Hollywood starlet Elizabeth Taylor and former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, the Italian company?s line of timeless handbags continue to resonate with buyers of upscale fashion, as the Gucci Hobo Bag has become a fast favorite among brand loyalists.

5)????Longchamp ? Rounding out the list of most-searched handbag brands is Longchamp, a French leather and luxury goods company founded in 1948. ?People love the simplicity of Longchamp,? Raya says. ?It is impeccably made of the highest quality leathers and textiles but has a very subtle look. It is not flashy, or logo covered which is more common with Coach bags.? In addition to handbags, the company also produces clothing, scarves, and similar fashion accessories.

Rodeo Drive Resale ( has built a reputation of providing amazing deals on handbags, clothing and accessories from the top designers of upscale fashion. The company offers a 100% guarantee of authenticity on each item sold, and works daily with a network of clients looking to buy, sell, or for consignment of their luxury goods. loves high-end fashion, and believes finding a high quality, classic piece should be an easy, enjoyable -- and most importantly -- hassle-free shopping experience. For the finest in Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Prada, Gucci, St. John Knits, Christian Louboutin, Tiffany & Co. and more, visit RDR online at or call 1-888-697-3725. Also find blog at

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'2012: Year of the Small Business' ? Scotiabank BVI | BVI News

BVI News staff reporter - Friday, December 21st, 2012 at 8:48 AM

Scotiabank BVI Limited Managing Director, Joycelyn Murraine

Scotiabank BVI Limited dubbed the year 2012 as the year of the Small Business and Managing Director, Joycelyn Murraine announced at a recent press briefing that the bank rolled out many initiatives during the year to assist entrepreneurs and small companies.

She said: ?This year our interest is small businesses and SME?s. There is a huge system here in the VI where small business owners and entrepreneurs can get capital the way they would want, and have full potential to grow it.?

Murraine explained that during the year Scotiabank developed a tool which would help small business persons. She said that the institution also developed and launched a product named the Scotia Professional Plan (SPP)?under their small business portfolio.

In explaining the SPP tool, Murraine stated: ?It (SPP) catered to professionals ? the dentists, the architects the doctors and so forth and what that does is give reduced and discounted services. So for instance if one of those professionals come for a mortgage we are going to give them an interest rate reduction. We are going to give them a reduction of our safety deposit box, and night depository. We are going to introduce them to cash management services so that they don?t stay in the line.?

She added: ?Not only are the fees being discounted, but we are having regular educational training of how they can grow their business. We have been innovative in doing this, you know you have to creep before you can walk. This has been on the back burner for the past three years. It is not just the BVI alone, small business is the overall 2013 regional Scotiabank initiative. If you go to Antigua, Jamaica, wherever you go you will find that we are focusing on small business.?

This article was posted in its entirety as received by This media house does not correct any spelling or grammatical error within press releases and commentaries. The views expressed therein are not necessarily those of, its sponsors or advertisers.


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UHV baseball season tickets on sale

Originally published on Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Season tickets for the 2013 UHV baseball season are on sale.

Reserved tickets for 23 home games are $99.

Season-ticket holders will receive admission to UHV's all-sports banquet, discounts on Jaguars merchandise and the chance to attend a season-ticket holders picnic.

The Jaguars will open the season on Sunday, Feb. 3 with a doubleheader against Wiley College at Riverside Stadium.

Season tickets are available at the UHV athletic office in Jaguar Hall, or call 361-485-4423 for information.


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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Obama backs off hard lines in search of compromise

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Just two weeks before the economy-threatening "fiscal cliff" is due to kick in, both President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner are making significant concessions, backing off what had once been ironclad positions on how to avoid the huge automatic spending cuts and tax increases.

The moves signal a new stage in the negotiations, which picked up steam Monday with Obama's offer to drop his long-held insistence that taxes rise on individuals earning more than $200,000 and families making more than $250,000. He is now offering a new threshold of $400,000 and lowering his 10-year tax revenue goals from the $1.6 trillion he had argued for a few weeks ago.

Obama's move follows concessions by Boehner on higher tax rates for the wealthy.

In the new proposal, Obama abandoned his demand for permanent borrowing authority. Instead, he is now asking for a new debt limit that would last two years, putting its renewal beyond the politics of a 2014 midterm election.

And in a move sure to create heartburn among some congressional Democrats, Obama is proposing lower cost-of-living increases for Social Security beneficiaries, employing an inflation index that would have far-reaching consequences, including pushing more people into higher income tax brackets.

Those changes, as well as Obama's decision not to seek an extension of a temporary payroll tax cut, would force higher tax payments on the middle class, a wide swath of the population that Obama has repeatedly said he wanted to protect from tax increases.

As public posturing has given way to pragmatism, both sides still seem willing to lock in on a substantial agreement rather than just putting off a fiscal day of reckoning. To that end, Obama has conceded that a big bargain would require giving up some of his proposals.

"I understand that I don't expect the Republicans simply to adopt my budget," he said during his post-election news conference last month. "That's not realistic. So, I recognize we're going to have to compromise."

The talks, facing a looming deadline, seek to avoid across-the-board tax hikes for nearly all wage-earners as well as spending cuts at the Pentagon and in domestic programs that are set to kick in at the start of the new year. Economists inside and outside the government have warned that the combination of the two ? the "fiscal cliff" ? could stall a weak recovery and threaten a new recession.

Obama's steps toward Boehner came after the House speaker took a plunge in a call to Obama on Friday ? while the nation was focused on the horror of a mass murder in Newtown, Conn. ? and agreed to accept an increase in tax rates for taxpayers who earn more than $1 million. Boehner's plan would raise about $1 trillion in taxes over 10 years.

That was a barrier-breaking moment, changing the negotiations from a fundamental debate over whether tax rates should rise at all to quibbling over who should pay them.

There are still plenty of disputes to iron out. And people familiar with Obama's proposal were careful not to describe it as his final offer.

The Obama plan seeks $1.2 trillion in revenue over 10 years and $1.2 trillion in 10-year spending reductions. Boehner aides say the revenue is closer to $1.3 trillion if revenue triggered by the new inflation index is counted, and they say the spending reductions are closer to $930 billion if one discounts about $290 billion in lower estimated debt interest.

"Any movement away from the unrealistic offers the President has made previously is a step in the right direction," Boehner spokesman Brendan Buck said. "But a proposal that includes $1.3 trillion in revenue for only $930 billion in spending cuts cannot be considered balanced."

Either way, though, there is no doubt Obama has moved in Boehner's direction after Boehner opened the door to a tax rate increase.

Obama's plan, like Boehner's, would also raise taxes on dividends and capital gains from 15 percent to 20 percent. Both would also reduce the number of deductions and exemptions that wealthy taxpayers can claim. Obama's proposal also would let estate taxes revert to 55 percent on estates after allowance for a $1 million exemption.

In making his offer, Obama stiff-armed Republican demands to increase the eligibility age for Medicare from 65 to 67, a goal Democrats strongly reject. He also sought to contain cuts in Medicare and other health care programs to about $400 billion over 10 years, less than what Republicans want. And he is continuing to seek spending on unemployment assistance and on public works projects.

Obama's willingness to reduce future cost-of-living increases in Social Security would also mean smaller annual increases in government pensions and veterans' benefits. Annual adjustments to income tax brackets would be smaller, pushing more people into higher tax brackets.

Over time, because annual adjustments to the poverty level would be smaller, the new index could reduce the number of people eligible for programs such as Medicaid, Head Start, food stamps, school lunches and home heating assistance.

To avoid some of that risk, Obama wants lower-income recipients to receive protection against any loss from scaling back future cost-of-living increases, people familiar with his plan said.


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LOS ANGELES ( - The publisher of "Life & Style" and "In Touch," which is being sued by Tom Cruise for printing that the "Jack Reacher" star had abandoned his daughter Suri following his divorce from Katie Holmes, has fired back at the actor's suit. In an answer to Cruise's defamation lawsuit, filed in October, Bauer Publishing Co. says that its reporting is "substantially true." Bauer's answer, filed Friday in U.S. District Court in California, also asserts a number of defenses, including that it's protected by the First, Fifth and 14th amendments of the U.S. ...


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Africa: Farmers Need to Grow Climate Smart

Bulawayo ? Farmers cannot wait much longer for negotiators to reach an agreement on including a work programme on agriculture in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. And until one is approved, "it will continue to be difficult for farmers to produce the food needed, and at the same time reduce greenhouse gas emissions."

This is according to Anette Friis from the Danish Food and Agriculture Council and spokesperson for Farming First, a global coalition calling on world leaders to increase agricultural output in a sustainable and socially responsible manner.

"Countries failed to get an agreement on agriculture at this year's (Conference of the Parties) COP18 in Doha, which means that discussions will not move to the next level and a work programme on agriculture is not foreseen for the near future," Friis told IPS. A work programme is a blueprint for action.

Friis said that agricultural organisations needed to pressure leaders to ensure that a future COP deal would include agriculture.

She said that discussions on including an agricultural work programme would continue at the next COP in Bonn in June 2013. But this, Friis said, would be without further submissions from parties, which could have informed and moved the process forward.

Farming First is one of 18 leading agricultural organisations that have called for a work programme on agriculture under the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), an advisory body established under the UNFCCC.

"Progress on negotiations on agriculture in the UNFCCC has been slow and this is why Farming First, together with 18 of the world's leading agriculture organisations, has issued this call to action," Friis said.

Such a programme would mandate the SBSTA to research, document and share knowledge of improved agricultural practices to inform decision making around agriculture and climate change.

Food security and climate smart-agriculture have underlined the push for an agriculture-specific work programme in the climate change deal, a provision that failed at the COP17 in Durban, South Africa in 2011. However, a decision on including agriculture in the outcome of the COP was adopted for the first time.

"Progress has been excruciatingly slow," Bruce Campbell, programme director at the Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centres (CGIAR) Research Programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), told IPS.


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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

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Moments of silence around NFL for shooting victims

FOXBOROUGH, Mass. (AP) ? The New England Patriots silenced their "End Zone Militia" on Sunday night, taking the muskets away from the Revolutionary War re-enactors who fire into the air to celebrate every score.

The memory of the Connecticut school shooting was still too fresh for the sight of firearms and the smell of gunpowder.

"It just doesn't show the right respect for those that lost their lives," said Bob Elliott, the group's sergeant. "But we're still here cheering (the Patriots) on."

Two days after 20 children and six adults were shot to death at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., NFL fans gathering in stadiums across the country honored the victims' memory with periods of silence and reflection. Some teams darkened their scoreboards and lowered their flags to half-staff, while others wore helmet decals or black ribbons.

After learning he was the favorite player of one 6-year-old victim, New York Giants receiver Victor Cruz wrote "R.I.P. Jack Pinto," ''Jack Pinto, my hero" and "This one is for you" on his shoes for the game against the Falcons in Atlanta. Cruz said he called the boy's family after hearing he was a Giants fan and was told they planned to bury him in one of Cruz's No. 80 jerseys.

"I don't even know how to put it into words," Cruz said. "There are no words that can describe the type of feeling that you get when a kid idolizes you so much that unfortunately they want to put him in the casket with your jersey on. I can't even explain it."

The Patriots, the closest team to Newtown that played at home on Sunday, wore a helmet sticker with the city seal and a black ribbon on it; the cheerleaders and mascot wore black armbands, and owner Bob Kraft pledged $25,000 to the community, where he also owns a box-making factory. Before the game, the public address announcer asked for silence while 26 flares were sent into the air.

But each time the Patriots scored in the 41-31 loss to San Francisco, the soldiers in the End Zone Militia clapped their empty hands like the rest of the crowd. Elliott said the Patriots asked the group, which has been standing sentry at home games since the mid-1990s, to skip the ceremonial fire.

"Out of respect for those that were killed, we were asked yesterday not to fire the muskets, which we all agreed with," said Elliott, who is a manufacturing manager for a dental implant-maker. "It was just such a horrific thing. It's hard to put it into words."

The Sunday Night Football broadcast on NBC was moved to CNBC and the NBC Sports Network while President Barack Obama addressed the nation. The game returned to its regular channel after the president's remarks from Newtown.

The Giants, another popular team in southwestern Connecticut, affixed a decal with the school's initials ? "SHES" ? on their helmets.

"Being close to home, the players were greatly upset about it," Giants coach Tom Coughlin said. "Many of the players have young children so they can empathize with the parents who had young children killed."

Houston Texans defensive end J.J. Watt wrote "Newtown, CT" on one of the gloves he wore in warmups and on both of his shoes for the game.

"We're playing football, and there's something much bigger going on in this world," Watt said. "I just wanted them to know, and I wanted everyone to know, that our thoughts are with them. Nothing is bigger than that. We played our game today, but honestly our thoughts are with them, the families, the teachers, the friends, the first responders, who had to go see that. My dad is a first responder. They were just kids."

In St. Louis, the players who wear No. 26 ? Rams running back Daryl Richardson and Vikings cornerback Antoine Winfield ? joined hands in a circle with their coaches at midfield before their game, surrounded by dozens of children wearing jerseys.

"I have a son that's in kindergarten. It choked me up because I would hate to be one of those parents," Rams running back Steven Jackson said. "You drop your kid off at school and he or she wants to go there and learn and better themselves, and to then go to the school and find that your child will no longer be with you. I couldn't imagine that thing."

Flags were also at half-staff in Baltimore, where the scoreboards went black as the public address announcer asked the crowd at the game between the Ravens and Denver Broncos to observe "silent reflection" in the wake of Friday's "horrific tragedy."

"As a parent you drop your kids off at school many times," said Miami Dolphins coach Joe Philbin, whose 21-year-old son Michael fell into a Wisconsin river and drowned in January. "It's hard to put into words what that community and those families must feel like. We obviously kept them in our prayers."

A moment of silence was observed at all 14 NFL games on Sunday; in Houston and in Arlington, Texas, the scoreboard went black. Members of the Buffalo Bills and Seattle Seahawks stood quietly with their heads down on their sideline while fans stood silently at the Rogers Centre in Toronto.

The Bills did continue their pregame habit of playing U2's "Sunday Bloody Sunday," which they've played before every home game this season. The song is in reference to British troops shooting and killing unarmed protesters in Derry, Northern Ireland in January 1972.

In Chicago, Green Bay wide receiver Donald Driver retweeted the names of the victims. St. Louis defensive end Chris Long said after the 36-22 loss the Vikings that it was hard to feel sorry for himself.

"As we sit here and feel sorry for ourselves after losing a football game, it really helps put things in perspective," he said. "I was watching TV last night and saw a victim's parent and I was really moved by that, the strength that they were showing up there. If we can all show that strength, we'll be all right as a team and as people."


AP Sports Writers R.B. Fallstrom in St. Louis, David Ginsburg in Baltimore, Nancy Armour in Chicago, Paul Newberry in Atlanta, John Wawrow in Toronto, Kristie Rieken in Houston and Brett Martel in New Orleans contributed to this report.


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Monday, December 17, 2012

This Expanding Lamp Is Beautifully Intricate

When I was a kid, I had a toy Hoberman sphere. Despite the fact it did absolutely nothing of interest, it was utterly fascinating in an incredibly nerdy way—and now there's a lamp that will let me play with one as an adult, too. More »


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Handle conflict without losing it ? Business Management Daily ...

It?s hard for employees to do their best work when their bosses yell at them, and, thankfully, this type of outburst is quickly becoming a thing of the past in most workplaces, writes Sue Shellenbarger for The Wall Street Journal. But some people are still expressing their anger in harmful ways. They dash off angry emails or use a sarcastic tone when communicating with their colleagues.

These tactics can make conflicts drag on and can create feelings of resentment. However, there are some constructive ways to resolve office disputes. Rather than raising your voice, try speaking in short sentences that explain what the issue is and how it makes you feel, suggests Sylvia LaFair of leadership-coaching firm Creative Energy Options.

Speaking slowly and quietly can help to get people to pay attention to what you?re saying, says John Shufeldt, who heads medical-?franchising company Doctors Ex??press. ?It forces people to dial down their own volume just to hear you. They lean in and hang on your every word,? he says.

In some cases, you may be able to defuse a heated situation by keeping your emotions in check. This approach ?throws the other person off balance, because they?re expecting you to push back,? says Steven P. Dinkin, who leads the National Conflict Resolution Center.

? Adapted from ?When the Boss Is a Screamer,? Sue Shellenbarger, The Wall Street Journal.

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Samsung ATIV S goes on sale at the big three Canadian carriers

Samsung ATIV S goes on sale at the top three Canadian carriers

Samsung's ATIV S has only just started trickling out into the marketplace, but Canadians will be happy to know they're some of the first to get their feet wet: Bell, Rogers and Telus have all made the Windows Phone 8 headliner available from today. We're seeing a wild variety in pricing that doesn't often happen with smartphones, however. Bell is offering the phone for $100 on a lengthy 3-year contract, but the amount drops to a momentary $80 at Rogers and just $30 at Telus' discounted price. Landing the ATIV S off-contract either costs $600 (at Bell and Rogers) or $650 on Telus. Locals shouldn't count on a walk-in purchase when there's talk at MobileSyrup of tight supply; they'll likely still be glad when they at least have the chance a week or more before their British counterparts.

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Via: MobileSyrup

Source: Bell, Rogers, Telus


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Workplace Bullying Common, Could Lead to Medication Use

Dec 16, 2012 7:00am

If?you?ve?ever felt bullied at work, you?re not alone. A new study suggests workplace bullying is common, and so is the need for medical intervention.

The survey-based study of more than 6,000 Finns found that one in eight men and one in five women reported being bullied at work.?And self-reported bullying?victims were more likely to?use of?antidepressants, sleeping pills and sedatives.

?A potentially unexpected finding is that the results were somewhat stronger for men than women,? study author Dr. Tea Lalluka of the University of Hilsinki said, explaining that bullied men were slightly more likely to use medications than bullied women.

The study was published Thursday in the journal BMJ.

Even?witnessing?bullying can have health effects, according to the study. Men and women who observed workplace bullying were one and a half to two times as likely to need similar medications, reflecting true, medically confirmed mental problems.

?We?ve?all seen it go on,? said Dr. Nadine Kaslow, vice chair of psychiatry at Emory University in Atlanta, who was not involved with the study. ?It?s that bystander effect; nobody wants to do anything about it.?

The study was unable to examine the length or intensity of bullying among surveyed employees. But experts say preventing workplace bullying might help prevent serious mental health problems.

?There are employee assistance programs and wellness programs available to people,? Kaslow said. ?I would encourage people to take advantage of those. Get support ? social support, self care, exercise, eat well ? whatever it is, make connections with people at work.?

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Guangqi Toyota with luxury team debut Changsha Auto Show ...

12, 13-17, GAC Toyota to bring the new seventh generation Camry new Highlander, Yaris and Yat-induced dressed appearance Eighth China (Changsha) International Automobile Exhibition, the Changsha public dedication of a top automotive feast. New listing in the family, and the year of the Camry Hybrid Camry respect Swiss led the new Highlander, as this year?s popular models is particularly eye-catching.

display of the models, the

In addition to GAC Toyota also brought new seventh generation Camry unlimited Tour ?exhibition, visitors will no longer simply watch models, can not fully understand the past lives of the Camry automobile technology development, more Panoramic view the development trend of the future of automotive technology. The Guangqi Toyota two major exhibition debut at the same time, bring to the audience a strong visual impact, while the more stunning fully interactive experience to bring a new experience.

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in Changsha Motor Show, GAC Toyota exhibit a variety of models, including the Camry family a four Jie, new Highlander Yat-induced, Yaris, forming a comprehensive coverage of high-class cars, medium-sized SUV, FUV, small cars areas such as luxury matrix.

2012 popular models, the highly anticipated new seventh generation Camry, with a more spacious and comfortable interior space, a more honorable dynamic shape and a more luxurious intimate configuration, soon as he appeared to hold live audience. In particular, focus on leisure and practicality of Changsha, the new seventh generation Camry commercial home are both favored. Its four cars include the new seventh generation Camry, Camry ? Chun Rui, the hybrid Camry ? respect Rui and Camry ? classic Changsha consumers more choices.

which listed in this year?s hybrid Camry Rui ? respect Swiss, by virtue of the maturity of its industry-leading technology and highly cost-effective, for the first time defines a new concept luxury sedan ?,? the Jin (strong power), low (lower fuel consumption), static (extraordinary quiet), net (clean emissions) ?four breakthrough, the Changsha Motor Show on the most dazzling spectacle. Comparable the 3.0L model 151KW largest integrated power, coupled with ultra-low fuel consumption of only 5.3L, priced at only 259,800, fully confirms the general evaluation of the hybrid Camry respect Swiss listed since consumers: ?C-level car The luxury B class car prices, A-level car fuel consumption. ?At the same time, the hybrid Camry respect Swiss carbon dioxide emissions than conventional gasoline models reduced by nearly 32%. Changsha area strong environmental awareness, the hybrid Camry ? respect Swiss fusion flagship model of the Toyota?s advanced technology in environmental protection, is being more and more consumer attention.

is particularly worth mentioning is that, according to the latest batch of new national energy demonstration models to promote the directory, the hybrid Camry ? respect Swiss has selected one, buy the models used in the field of public services can apply to the state for every approximately 42,000 yuan of financial subsidies. In addition, GAC Toyota hybrid battery sincerity launched eight years or 200,000 km free maintenance warranty service activities, to provide consumers with a more intimate service.

same surprise there are new Highlander. In the car in Changsha, consumers pay more attention to its usefulness, SUV, has been favorable. New Highlander facelift listing in June this year to meet the Changsha consumers ?more broad vision, driving more comfortable demand for SUV models. In addition to a luxurious upgrade in appearance, configuration space, the new Highlander is also equipped with a mobile phone G-book smart Fujia equipment, by virtue of the new image, a new experience, a new life, ?the three new value experience to offer consumers a more fashion and noble sense of luxury city-size SUV. It freely switch between work, home, leisure and other purposes, ?no boundaries? of the value of the product is highly sought after by consumers.

while the domestic first the FUV multifunction models E?Z Yat caused

fine car Yaris models such as full participation. Which to build the senior car standard set of Yat-induced ?comfort and fuel economy of cars, MPV space and multi-purpose, city-SUV fashion dynamic appearance and high security in one, since listing the equipment recognized, rapidly becoming consumers preferred utility vehicle. With the C-NCAP crash test Yat-induced July five-star success, senior car benchmark Guangqi Toyota?s Camry, the city-based luxury SUV Highlander, fine car Yaris, FUV stylish utility vehicle Yat caused by domestic car type in C-NCAP crash five-star success, to create the coverage of small cars, fashion utility vehicles, city-SUV class cars ?, including the? five-star safety family.


auto show scene, GAC Toyota luxury complete lineup led the boom of a low-carbon environment, led to environmentally friendly vehicles hybrid Camry ? respect Rui, GAC Toyota all models to meet the national five emission standards, strong power to achieve lower emissions, better meet the eighteen proposed the concept of ?beautiful?.

set ?Technology infinite journey? exhibition bring innovative interactive experience

the exhibition, in order to give the visitors a fresh view exhibition experience, GAC Toyota set new seventh generation Camry the unlimited Tour ?interactive experience area, adding more fun to the tour of the visitors to the Motor Show . It is reported that the activities of the ?new seventh generation Camry infinite journey had already been held in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Nanchang, Chengdu, Nanjing, Kunming, Hangzhou and other cities, much local consumers praise, and set off a surge of Camry tech boom .

science and technology experience area

auto show scene this craze continues and warming, is divided into dynamic experience zone, luxury configuration experience zone ?and? HEV hybrid zone ?, the major divisions of the experience area, through vivid interesting pictures, videos and even interactive games, cold incomprehensible technology becomes approachable, easy to understand.

which, ?HEV hybrid zone? to attract a large audience gathered to experience. Cutting bodywork by The hybrid Camry Rui ? respect the show, the audience learned more clearly mixed dynamic bodywork tricky. GOA body?s all-round protection, plus 10 protection airbags with seatbelt use, vehicle owners bring a full range of automotive safety experience.

hybrid Camry respect Swiss works skillfully through the body next to the bike ?reality show? was a vivid interpretation: two teenagers riding a tandem bicycle plays a ?hybrid dual engine power ? - engine and electric motors to demonstrate the ?dual-core? principle of operation through language and body movements ? two people both at the same time traveling, and can operate independently, to achieve the purpose of labor-saving, this is a clear-cut demonstration of hybrid energy-saving characteristics. Through the operation of a joint force of the electric motor and the gasoline engine, the hybrid Camry Rui ? respect Swiss power of 151 kilowatts integrated operating condition of the fuel consumption is as low as 5.3L, save fuel than petrol cars with emissions 32% more than the same displacement luxury cars of equal skill output fuel savings of about 40% -50%.

?new seventh generation Camry Infinite Journey? not only to uncover the mystery of The hybrid Camry Rui ? respect, low fuel consumption of the new seventh generation Camry ?mystery? is also ?power Experience Zone? opened. Camry engine cutting model is the most eye-catching, this 5AR-FE Dual VVT-i high-performance engine, coupled with 6-speed automated manual transmission, and Toyota, the world?s leading ?Dual VVT-i variable valve timing system, and many other advanced technology, its comprehensive conditions hundred kilometers to reach the same level of the lowest 7.8L achieve the best performance of the dynamic performance and fuel economy performance of both. Site wind tunnel experiments, more intuitive way to show the speed performance of the new seventh generation Camry low drag coefficient, even if it is traveling outside the runway, the speed is also far better than the same level car.

in luxury configuration area, the audience can fully experience the advanced technology luxurious car life. Here you can hear in the five-story glass soundproof, JBL audio mellow music, To see that Nanoe anion cycle system to purify the polluted air around us.


production ? Service ? channels Trinity system competitiveness to enhance the

by virtue of a forward-looking vision of the world and leading technological innovation, GAC Toyota increasingly sophisticated in the lineup at the same time, corporate strength and constantly enhance the sound momentum of development in production, channels and services, and the competitiveness of the system has been upgraded.

Guangqi Toyota factory

full import of the Toyota ?lean production? and advanced technology, 100% implementation of ?quality end of the self-process?, known as the ?Toyota model factory of the 21st century? and ?TPS innovation base?, for the production of The high-quality, high-reliability, high durability products provide a strong guarantee.

services, GAC Toyota has always been adhering to the development of the concept of ?honorable, caring? (Personal & premium) channels to successfully build Moods brand to launch various types of services, according to the changing needs of our customers activities by ?product is king? to accelerate transition to upgrade to the ?service is king?. In recent years, GAC Toyota ongoing activities of the autumn months of service, vehicle maintenance project is provided free of charge around the owners, much of the praise of people outside the industry. According to reports, on July 30, the the 2012 JDPower high-profile car service satisfaction survey results released Guangqi Toyota, with the overall strength of the leading score of 887. This is the Guangqi Toyota confirms VI contains the strength in the service areas of deep plowing. As of October this year, the national sales shop Guangqi Toyota has exceeded 350.

has been Guangqi Toyota are known for their high quality services renowned motor racing. Following the Customer Care activities Previously introduced for special events damaged vehicle owners 0 loss compensation after all, the Guangqi Toyota a ?sincere caring action has been fully carried out. November 7 to December 31, GAC Toyota care ceremony for the new and old customers, multiple car officiating aftermarket ceremony courtesy opened the prelude to ?Warm Winter? also won for special events such as typhoons, rainstorms owners care wide acclaim.

the upgraded version

as ?sincere love?, Guangqi Toyota dealer to make the car worry-free ?commitment: the next five years, those who buy the GAC Toyota production vehicles, in particular accident by the third-party malicious the destruction, the Guangqi Toyota dealer will be loss of vehicle and crew injury be ?the owners 0 burden? compensation. This commitment, the national coverage of the existing and future owners, show the Guangqi Toyota promise to be the ?customer first? philosophy in the end determination.

today?s auto market has entered a rational consumer ?and micro growth? era, in the face of competition more intense, rapidly changing market environment, only to grasp the needs of consumers, and to raise the overall competitiveness of the system, to be invincible. As the youngest of the mainstream automotive companies, GAC Toyota high-quality, high-reliability, high-durability products is the cornerstone to continuously enhance the competitiveness of the system, in terms of production, channels, services will in the new round of competition in the market to open up to the wider world.

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  • the Camry Related Q &

details >> depth commissioning ? the Camry

online answer the riders about car

  • acceleration (0-100 km / h): 9.5 seconds
  • brakes (100-0 km / h): 42.5 m
  • measured fuel consumption (liters / 100 km): 7.5 liters

advantages: driving comfort, fuel-efficient, rich configuration

drawback: sense of interior plastic, some functions due to considerations

  • pleasure Index
  • Money Index
  • professional riders Reviews

domestic famous rider, Sina car full-time test driver, has participated in the famous ..

Comment: general two Camry in terms of driving performance does not exist differences in the nature of the difference between them is reflected in the tuning of the engine on the Sport models power output to be more radical, low ?

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